Gale and Coore Family Tree
First Generation

1. James Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
James Gale had the following child:
2 i. Oliver~ Gale was born on (birth date unknown).

Second Generation

2. Oliver Gale (James') was born on (birth date unknown).
He married Ellen Marshall.' Ellen was born in Richmondshire. Ellen died in.
Oliver Gale and Ellen Marshall had the following children:
3 i. George Gale was born before July 1557, the first event for which there is a recorded date.

4 ii. James Gale was born on (birth date unknown). He married an unknown person in Spain.

Third Generation

3. George Gale (Oliver, James was born before July 1557, the first event for which there is a
recorded date. George died July 1557.
He married Mary Lord Gale. Mary was the daughter of Robert Lord.
George was honored. George Gale, of York, goldsmith, master of the Mint York, sheriff of that city
1530, and lord mayor in 1534 and 1549.
George Gale and Mary Lord Gale had the following children:
+ 5 i. Robert Gale was born before 1590, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
6 ii. Thomas Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
7 iii. Isabella Gale was born before 1573, the first event for which there is a recorded date. She
married Ralph Hall 1573.
8 iv. Anne Gale was born before 1576, the first event for which there is a recorded date. She married
Robert Peacock 1576.
9 v. Alice Gale was born on (birth date unknown). She married Christopher Clapham Esq.
10 vi. Dorothy Gale was born on (birth date unknown). She married Kirk Sandal Esq.
11 vii. Ezlizabeth Gale was born on (birth date unknown). She married T Garbray. T was born
12 viii. Ursula Gale was born on (birth date unknown). She married Sir of Studley.

Fourth Generation

5. Robert Gale (George, Oliver,, James) was born before 1590, the first event for which there is a
recorded date. Robert died 1590.
He married Anne Clapham. Anne was the daughter of William Clapham.
Robert Gale and Anne Clapham had the following children:
+ 13 i. Robert, or Francis Gale was born on (birth date uriknown).
14 ii. George Gale was born on (birth date unimown).
15 iii. Thomas Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
+ 16 iv. John Gale was born before 1597, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
17 v. Mary Gale was born on (birth date unknown).

Fifth Generation

13. Robert, or Francis Gale (Robert, George, Oliver, James) was born on (birth date unlaiown).
He married Dutton. She was the daughter of Dutton Esq..
Robert, or Francis Gale and Dutton had the following children:
18 i. Robert~ Gale was born on (birth date uiiknown).
19 ii. Matthew Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
20 iii. George Gale was born on (birth date unknown).

16. John Gale (Robert, George, Oliver, James) was born before 1597, the first event for which there
is a recorded date. John died 1624.

He married Jane Frank. Jane died 1624. Jane became the mother of Christopher Gale 1597. Jane
became the mother of John Gale 1601.
John became the father of Christopher Gale 1597. John became the father of John Gale 1601.
John Gale and Jane Frank had the following children:
+ 21 i. Ralph Gale was born before Oct. 18 1632, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
+ 22 ii. Christopher Gale was born 1597.
+ 23 iii. John Gale was born 1601.

Sixth Generation

18. Robert Gale (Robert, or Francis, Robert, George, Oliver, James) was born on (birth date
He married Elizabeth Langdale. Elizabeth was the daughter of William Langdale.
Robert Gale and Elizabeth Langdale had the following child:
+ 24 i. Robert Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
21. Ralph Gale (Johns, Robert, George, Oliver, James') was born before Oct. 18 1632, the first event
for which there is a recorded date.
He married Sarah Oct. 18 1632.
Ralph Gale and Sarah had the following child:
25 i. Judith Gale was born on (birth date unknown).

22. Christopher Gale (John, Robert, George, Oliver, James') was born 1597.
He married Francis Conyers. Francis was the daughter of Coyers. Francis died 1656. Francis became
the mother of Rev. Thomas Gale in Scruton, co. York, 1636.
At 39 years of age Christopher became the father of Rev. Thomas Gale in Scruton, co. York, 1636.
Christopher Gale and Francis Coyers had the following children:
26 i. William Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
27 ii. John Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
+ 28 iii. Rev. Thomas Gale was born 1636.

23. John" Gale (John, Robert, George, Oliver, James') was born 1601. John died 1685 at 84 years of
He married Joanna Dason. Joanna was the daughter of Miles Dason.
John Gale and Joanna Dason had the following child:
+ 29 i. Miles Gale was born on (birth date unknown).

Seventh Generation

24. Robert Gale ( Robert, or Francis, Robert, George, Oliver, James') was born on (birth
date unknown).
He married twice. He married AnneThorold. She was the daughter of Edmund Thorold. He married
Anne Thorold. Anne was the daughter of Edmund Thorold.
Robert Gale and Anne Thorold had the following child:

30 i. Ann Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
28. Rev. Thomas Gale (Christopher,John, Roberta George, Oliver, James) was born in Scruton,
co. York 1636. Rev. died April 7 1702 at 65 years of age.
He married Barbara Pepys. Barbara was the daughter of Thos Pepys. Barbara became the mother of
Roger Gale in Scruton, 1672. Barbara became the mother of Elizabeth Gale November 15 1675. Barbara
became the mother of Barbara Gale October 21 1678. Barbara became the mother ofKatherine Gale March 8
1679/80. BarbarabecamethemotherofThomasGaleNovemberl61681. Barbara became the mother of
Samuel Gale December 17 1682. Barbara became the mother of Thomas Gale July 26 1684. Barbara became
the mother of Barbara Gale July 23 1685. Barbara became the mother of Thomas Gale May 16 1689.
At 36 years of age Rev. became the father of Roger Gale in Scruton, 1672. At 39 years of age Rev.
became the father of Elizabeth Gale November 15 1675. At 42 years of age Rev. became the father of Barbara
Gale October 21 1678. At 43 years of age Rev. became the father of Katherine Gale March 8 1679/80.At 45
years of age Rev. became the father of Thomas Gale November 161681. At 46 years of age Rev. became the
father of Samuel Gale December 17 1682. At 48 years of age Rev. became the father of Thomas Gale July 26
1684. At 49 years of age Rev. became the father of Barbara Gale July 23 1685. At 52 years of age Rev.
became the father of Thomas Gale May 16 1689.
Rev. Thomas Gale and Barbara Pepys had the following children:
+ 31 i. Charles Gale was born before 1738, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
32 ii. Elizabeth Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
+ 33 iii. Roger Gale was born 1672.
34 iv. Elizabeth Gale was born November 15 1675.
35 v. Barbara Gale was born October 21 1678. Her body was interred August 31 1682.
36 vi. Katherine Gale was born March 8 1679/80. Her body was interred July 15 1680.
37 vii. Thomas Gale was born November 16 1681. His body was interred August 27 1682.
38 viii. Samuel Gale was born December 17 1682. Samuel died January 10 1754 at 71 years of age.
39 ix. Thomas Gale was born July 26 1684. His body was interred August 11 1684.
40 x. Barbara Gale was born July 23 1685.
41 xi. Thomas Gale was born May 16 1689.
29. Miles' Gale (John, John, Robert, George, Oliver, Jamesl) was born on (birth date unknown).
He married Margaret Stone. Margaret was the daughter of Rev Christopher Stone.
Miles Gale and Margaret Stone had the following children:
+ 42 i. Christopher Gale was born on(birth date unknown).
+ 43 ii. Thomas Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
44 iii. Edmund Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
45 iv. John Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
46 v. Miles Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
47 vi. Mary Gale was born on (birth date unknown).

Eighth Generation

31. Charles" Gale (Rev. ThomaS, Christopher, John, Robert, George, Oliver, James') was born
before 1738, the first event for which there is a recorded date. Charles died 1738.
He married Cordelia Thwaits. Cordelia was the daughter of Mr. Thomas Thwaits.
Charles Gale and Cordelia Thwaits had the following children:
48 i. Thomas Gale was born before July 7 1746, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
Thomas died July 7 1746.
49 ii. Charles Gale was born on (birth date unkown).
50 iii. Samuel Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
51 iv. Roger Gale was born on (birth date unknown).

33. Roger Gale (Rev. Thomas, Christopher, John, Robert, George, Oliver, James) was bom in
Scruton 1672. Roger died June 25 1744 in Scruton, at 71 years of age.
He married Henrietta Raper in York Minster, August 11 1702. Henrietta was the daughter of Henry
Raper. Henrietta died September 29 1720. Henrietta became the mother of Henry Gale 1710.
At 38 years of age Roger became the father of Henry Gale 1710.
Roger Gale and Henrietta Raper had the following children:
52 i. Cordelia Gale was born (birth date unknown).
+ 53 ii. Henry Gale was born on (birth date unknown)

42. ChristopherGale (Miles', John John, Robert, George,Oliver, James') was born on (birth date
He married Sarah.
Christopher Gale and Sarah had the following children:
54 i. Miles' Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
55 ii. Elizabeth Gale was born on (birth date unknown).

43. ThomasB Gale (Miles' John, John, Robert, George, Oliver, James) was born on (birth date


Thomas Gale had the following child:
56 i. William Gale was born on (birth date unknown).

Ninth Generation

53. Henry Gale (Roger, Rev. Thomas, Christopher, John, Robert, George, Oliver, James) was
born 1710. Henry died 1768 at 58 years of age.
He married Catherine Crowe. Catherine was the daughter of Christopher Crowe. Catherine became the
mother of Catherine Gale 1741. Catherine became the mother of Henry Gale 1744. Catherine became the
mother of Samuel Gale 1746. Catherine became the mother of Catherine Gale 1752.
At 31 years of age Henry became the father of Catherine Gale 1741. At 34 years of age Henry became
the father of Henry Gale 1744. At 36 years of age Henry became the father of Samuel Gale 1746. At 42 years
of age Henry became the father of Catherine Gale 1752.
Henry Gale and Catherine Crowe had the following children:
57 i. Harriet Gale was born on (birth date unknown).
58 ii. Catherine Gale was born 1741. Catherine died 1744 at 3 years of age.
+ 59 iii. Henry Gale was born 1744.
60 iv. Samuel Gale was born 1746.
61 v. Catherine Gale was born 1752.

Tenth Generation

59. Henry Gale (Henry, Roger, Rev. Thomas, Christopher, John, Roberf, George, Oliver,
James) was born 1744. Henry died 1821 at 77 years of age.
He married Mary in St. Andrew's, Holborn, April 3 1779. Mary was the daughter of Francis Dalton.
Mary became the mother of Henry Gale 1781. Mary became the mother of Mary Gale 1781. Mary became the
mother of Francis Gale 1787.
At 37 years of age Henry became the father of Henry Gale 1781. At 37 years of age Henry became the
father of Mary Gale 1781. At 43 years of age Henry became the father of Francis Gale 1787.
Henry Gale and Mary had the following children:
+ 62 i. Harriet" " Gale was born before January 18 1820, the first event for which there is a recorded
63 ii. Henry Gale was born 1781.
64 iii. Mary Gale was born 1781.
65 iv. Francis Gale was born 1787. Francis died 1795 at 8 years of age.

Eleventh Generation

62. Harriet Gale (Henry', Henry, Roger, Rev. Thomas, Christopher, John, Robert, George,
Oliver, James) was born before January 18 1820, the first event for which there is a recorded date. Harriet died December 15 1839.
Harriet Gale married Lt. Colonel Foster Lechmere Coore was the son of John Coore and Ann Lechmere
died 1837. Leut. became the father of Foster Coore January 18 1820. Leut. became the father of Emily Coore
May 3 1827.

Harriet became the mother of Foster Coore January 18 1820. Harriet became the mother of Emily Coore
May 3 1827.
Harriet Gale and Lent. Colonel Foster Leachmere Coore had the following children:
66 i. Mary'2 Coore was born on (birth date unknown). She married Colonel Hamlet Coote Wade.
67 ii. Sophia Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
68 iii. Augusta Coore was born on (birth date unknown). She married Colonel Frederick Gordon
69 iv. Charlotte Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
70 v. Thos. Coore was born before January 21 1823, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
his body was interred January 21 1823.
71 vi. Lechmere Gale Coore was born before May 7 1825, the first event for which there is a recorded
date. Her/his body was interred May 7 1825.
+ 72 vii. Foster Coore was born January 18 1820. Died July 3 1861.
73 viii. Emily Coore was born May 3 1827. Her body was interred May 5 1827.

Twelfth Generation

72. Foster Coore (Harriet Gale, Henry', Henry, Roger, Rev. Thomas, Christopher, John",
Robert, George, Oliver, James) was born January 18 1820. Foster died July 3 1841 at 21 years of age.
He married Augusta Caroline. Augusta was the daughter of Mark Milbank of Thorp Perrow, Esq., by the Lady Augusta, his wife daughter of the 1st Duke of Cleveland.
Augusta became the mother of Mark Gale Coore June 6. Augusta became the mother of Alfred Thomas Coore
September 3 1845. Augusta became the mother of Augustus Lechmere Coore May 13 1847. Augusta became
the mother of Geroge Bamard Milbank December 28 1865.
Foster became the father of Mark Gale Coore June 6. At 25 years of age Foster became the father of
Alfred Thomas Coore September 3 1845. At 27 years of age Foster became the father of Augustus Lechmere
Coore May 13 1847. At 45 years of age Foster became the father of Geroge Bamard Milbank December 28
Foster Coore and Augusta Caroline Milbank had the following children:

+ 74 i. Mark Gale Coore was born June 6.
75 ii. Louisa Coore was born before April 26 1871, the first event for which there is a recorded date.
Louisa died November 151881. She married an unknown person April 26 1871.
+ 76 iii. Alfred Thomas Coore was born September 3 1845.
77 iv. Augustus Lechmere Coore was born May 13 1847.
+ 78 v. Geroge Bamard Milbank was born December 28 1865.

Thirteenth Generation

74. Mark Gale" Coore (Foster', Harriet Gale, Henry, Henry, Roger, Rev. Thomas, Christopher,
John, Robert, George, Oliver, James') was born June 6.
He married Mary Emily Strutt August 1872. Mary was the daughter of Lord Helper. Mary became the
mother of Alice Mary Coore August 18 1873. Mary became the mother of Roger Edward Coore April 16
Mark became the father of Alice Mary Coore August 18 1873. Mark became the father of Roger Edward
Coore April 161885.
Mark Gale Coore and Mary Emily Strutt had the following children:
79 i. Sybill Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
80 ii. Dorothy Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
81 iii. Hilda Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
82 iv. Winifred Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
83 v. Margaret Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
84 vi. Veronica Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
85 vii. Alice Mary Coore was born August 18 1873.
86 viii. Roger Edward Coore was born April 161885.
76. Alfred Thomas" Coore (Foster, Harriet, Gale, Henry, Henry, Roger, Rev. ThomaS,
Christopher, John, Roberta, George, Oliver, James') was born September 3 1845.
He married Louisa July 4 1871. Louisa became the mother of Alban Coore May 2 II 872. Louisa

became the mother of Wilfaid Coore May II 1873. Louisa became the mother of Alfred Coore May 11 1873.
At 26 years of age Alfred became the father of Alban Coore May 211872. At 27 years of age Alfred
became the father of Wilfaid Coore May II 1873. At 27 years of age Alfred became the father of Alfred Coore
May II 1873.
Alfred Thomas Coore and Louisa had the following children:
87 i. Cyril Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
88 ii. Basil Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
89 iii. Gladys Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
90 iv. Edith Coore was born on (birth date unknown).
91 v. Alban Coore was born May 21 1872.
92 vi. Wilfaid Coore was born May 11 1873.
93 vii. Alfred Coore was born May 11 1873.
78. Geroge Barnard Milbank (Foster" Coore, Harriet Gale, Henry Henry", Roger, Rev.
Thomas, Christopher, John, Robert, George, Oliver, James) was born December 28 1865.
He married Fanny Augusta Von Schmeling. Fanny became the mother of Constance Milbank 1892.
Fanny became the mother of Edmund Burckhardt Coore 1894. Fanny became the mother of Monica Milbank
1897. Fanny became the mother of Gertrude Milbank Feburary 1899.
At 26 years of age Geroge became the father of Constance Milbank 1892. At 28 years of age Geroge
became the father of Edmund Burckhardt Coore 1894. At 31 years of age Geroge became the father of Monica
Milbank 1897. At 33 years of age Geroge became the father of Gertrude Milbank Feburary 1899.
Geroge Bamard Milbank and Fanny Augusta Von Schmeling had the following children:
94 i. Constance Milbank was born 1892. Constance died May 23 1966 at 73 years of age.
95 ii. Edmund Burckhardt Coore was born 1894.
96 iii. Monica Milbank was born 1897. Monica died May 23 1966 at 68 years of age.
+ 97 iv. Gertrude Milbank was born Feburary 1899.

Fourteenth Generation

97. Gertrude' Milbank was born Feburary 1899. Gertrude
died June 27 1971 at 72 years of age.
She married Errol Knox 1919.
Gertrude Milbank and Errol Knox had the following children:
98 i. Patricia Monica (Tita) was born
( see Knox/Steele)
99 ii. Peter Edmund was born November 16 1923 (See Knox Family)
100 iii. Pamela Anne was born
(see Knox/O'Connor)

Generation No. 1
2. i. JOSEPH2 KNOX, b. 1846, Drumquin, Tyrone, Ireland; d. 6 Feb 1919, Binnalong Rd, Wentworthville.

Generation No. 2
2. JOSEPH2 KNOX (SAMUEL1) was born 1846 in Drumquin, Tyrone, Ireland, and died 6 Feb 1919 in Binnalong Rd, Wentworthville. He married ELIZABETH JANE DREW 13 Jun 1870 in 13 Edward St, South Head, Sydney, daughter of GEORGE DREW and ANNE REECE. She was born 30 Apr 1846 in Church St, Parramatta, and died 23 Feb 1925 in Binnalong Rd, Wentworthville.
3. i. LILIAN VIOLET3 KNOX, b. 25 Apr 1871, Rose Lane off, Campbell St., Sydney; d. 4 Sep 1933, Maitland Point, Gastwych Shire, Uralla.
ii. JOHN CALVIN KNOX, b. 1874.
iii. AURORA MYRTLE KNOX, b. 1876.
v. ACACIA RENE KNOX, b. 1881.
vi. JOSEPH MILTON HOSKING KNOX, b. 1884; d. 1919.

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