Gale Family

Thomas Gale...

Reverend Thomas Gale D. D. (only surviving child) a divine critic…antiquary of distinguished erudition. He was born at Scruton, York in 1636, and received his education at Westminster School, and at Trinity College Cambridge, of which he was Fellow, taking the degree of B.A. in 1658, and that of M.A. in 1662. In 1672 he was appointed Greek professor in that university, and in 1671 published a collection of the ancient Mythological Writers, entitled “Opuscula Mythologica “Ethica et Physica, Graece et Latine,” 8vo. In the next year he obtained the mastership of St. Paul’s School, London. “the which situation,” says Dr. Whitaker, “he was employed to write the the inscriptions now remaining* on the monument of the great fire, which by no fault of the writer, ‘like a tall bully, lifts its head and lies,’ in imputing that great calamity to a party, whom all reasonable men now acknowledge to have had no participation in the fact. In 1675, he accumulated the degrees of B.D. and D.D. at Cambridge and in the following year was made a prebendary of the Metropolitan Cathedral. In 1677 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, which, at that period, comprehended men of virtue of every description; and in 1695, deservedly removed to the deanery of York, a dignity he enjoyed not quite five years. He died 7 April 1702 and was buried in York Minster, 15th, M.I.

*The offensive passage has recently been expunged.

Thomas Gale was married to Barbara, daughter of Thos. Pepys of Trampington, Cambridge. She died 1689. Thomas and Barbara had son Roger Gale, born 1672. He married at York Minster

11th August 1702-Henrietta Raper, of Cowling Hall, co York.

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