Thomas Gale

The Gales.....


James Gale seated at Thimcroft near Scruton -1523


Oliver Gale of Thimcroft married Ellen Marshall of Richmondshire


George Gale of York, Goldsmith, master of the mint, Sheriff of that City 1530 and Lord Mayor in 1534 and 1546 d. 1557 – he married Mary, daughter of Robert Lord, of Kendall


Robert Francis Gale Esq. of Akenam Grange Co. York Treasurer of the Royal Mint (died 1590) married Anne, daughter of William Clapham Esq. of Beamsley and widow of John Thwaite of Marston. She married thirdly to John Ingleby, Esq. brother of Sir William Ingleby of Ripley


John Gale of Scruton, Esq. married Jane eldest daughter of John Frank, of Pontefract, Esq. (d. 1624)


Christopher Gale, Esq. born 1597 married Frances, daughter of Conyers of Holtby (d.1656)

GGGGGGGGrandfather .....

Rev. Thomas Gale, D.D. (only surviving child), a divine critic.......antiquary of distinguished erudition. He was born at Scruton York in 1636 and received his education at Westminster School and at Trinity College, Cambridge, of which he was fellow taking the degree of B.A. in 1658 and that of M.A. in 1662. In 1672 he was appointed Greek Professor in that university, and in 1671 published a collection of the ancient Mythological writers entitled “Optsc... Mythologica Ethica et Physica, Graece et Latine,”8vo. In the next year he obtained the mastership of St. Paul’s School, London, “the which situations,” says Dr. Whitaker, “he was employed to write the inscriptions now remaining” on the monument of the great fire,” which, by no fault of the write, “like the tall bully, lifts its head and lies,’ in imputing that great calamity to a party, whom all reasonable men now acknowledge to have had no participation . In the fact that in 1675 “he accumulated the degrees of B.D. and D.D. at Cambridge, and in the following year was made a prebendary of the Metropolitan Cathedral. In 1677 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, which at that period, comprehended men of virtue of every description; and in 1695, deservedly removed to the deanery of York, a dignity he enjoyed not quite five years. He died 7 April 1702, and was buried in York Minster, 15th MI.

Rev. Thomas Gale was married to Barbara – daughter of Thomas Pepys, Esq. of Impington, Cambridge died 1689


Roger Gale, of Scruton, Esq., born there in 1672, fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, 1697, M.A. 1698, the well known author of the “Registrum Honoris de Richmond.” This eminent person represented the borough of Northallerton in three parliaments (1706/13) (one of which was the first British parliament), and at the termination of the last was appointed a commissioner of excise. He was the first vice-president of the Society of Antiquaries and treasurer to the Royal Society. He was married at York Minster 11th August 1702, died 25th June 1744 at Scruton aged 72.

He was married to Henrietta, daughter of Henry Raper, of Cowling Hall, co. York, She died 29th September 1720 aged 43.


Roger Henry Gale of Scruton, Esq. only son and heir, Fellow Commoner of Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge, born in 1710 married in 1740 died in 1768. Married ggggggrandmother Catherine Crowe of Kiplin Co. York Esq. ob 1782 in Newman Street, London


Henry Gale of Scruton born in 1744, married at St. Andrew’s Holborn, 3rd April 1779, died 1821 - only daughter and heiress of Francis Dalton, Hawkswell, Esq. and Mary Tasker.


Harriet Gale –daughter of Henry Gale(GGGGGRANDFATHER)G of Scruton Hall b.1744 d. 1821 and Mary, only daughter and heiress of Francis Dalton Esq. of Hawkeswell(or Manxwell?)

Harriet Gale (b. 1789 heiress of Scruton Hall) married Foster Lechmere Coore of Firby Hall on February 22 1816. She died December 15 1839


Foster Lechmere Coore of Firby Hall was born December 26 1780. BA Cantab. 1802

A.D.C. to Sir G. Provost in Canada. Lt. Co XV Hussars married Feb. 22 1816 Harriet Gale.

Harriet and Foster had 3 sons and five daughters including


Henry Foster Coore – Born 18th January 1820 who married Augusta Caroline, 1841 daughter of Mark Milbank of Thorpe Perrow, Esq., and Lady Augusta Henrietta Vane 3rd daughter of the Duke of Cleveland. Henry F. Coore died 1890. Henry and Augusta had 4 children of whom George Barnard Milbank was the fourth son.


George Barnard Milbank Coore was born on December 28 1865 married Augusta von Schmelling daughter of General Burckhardt Heinrich von Schmelling and Araminta Mary

daughter of Sir Charles Price 1st Bart., of Spring Grove, Richmond Surrey. They had four children of whom Gertrude Mary was the fourth. George Barnard Milbank Coore and Augusta von Schmelling were married in Wiesbaden, Germany on August 29th 1891/


Gertrude Mary Coore was born on February 4, 1899. She married Errol Aubrey Galbraith Knox on 4th September, 1919. Gertrude (Bunny) Knox died 27th June 1971.

She had three children. Patricia (Steele) Peter Edmund Knox was 2nd child., Pamela Ann (O’Connor)

We are the children Edmund, Jane, Paul etc. of Peter Edmund Knox

GALE, ROGER (1672-1744), antiquary, eldest son of Thomas Gale, dean of York [q. v.], by his wife Barbara, daughter of Thomas Pepys, esq., was born in 1672, and was educated at St. Paul’s School, London, where his father was at the time high-master. He proceeded, with a Campden exhibition from the school, to Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1691, obtaining a scholarship there in 1693 and a fellowship in 1697. He graduated B.A. in 1694, and M.A. in 1698. The family estate of Scruton, Yorkshire, came into his possession on his father’s death in 1702. Mrs. Alice Rogers bequeathed him the manor of Cottenham, Cambridgshire, and Gale erected a monument in the church to the memory of his benefactress, but he soon sold the estate and chiefly divided his time between London and Scruton. He represented Northallerton in the parliaments of 1705, 1707, 1708, and 1710. He became a commissioner of stamp duties 20 Dec. 1714, and was reappointed 4 May 1715. From 24 Dec. 1715 he was a commissioner of excised, and was displaced in 1735 by Sir Robert Walpole, who wanted the post for one of his friends. Indignant letters on the subject from Gale to his friend Dr. Stukeley appear in Stukeley’s ‘Memoirs,” i. 281, 321-4.

Gale was an enthusiastic antiquary. From his father he inherited a valuable collection of printed books and manuscripts, to which he made many additions. British archaeology was his chief study, but he was also a skilled numismatist. He was liberal in assisting fellow-antiquaries. Browne Willis, a lifelong acquaintance, received from him a manuscript history of Northallerton, intended for, but never included in, Willis’s ‘Notitia Parliamentaria.’ The manuscript passed to William Cole, and its substance was given by Gale in his work on Richmond. He helped Frances Drake in his ‘History of York,’ and prepared a discourse on the four Roman ways from his father’s notes fro Hearne’s edition of Leland’s ‘Itinerary,’ vol. vi. (HEARNE, Coll., Oxford Hist. Soc., iii. 220). Hearne, writing to Rawlinson on 8 Oct. 1712, describes Gale as ‘my good and kind friend’ (ib. p. 457). In August 1738 he presented some manuscripts to Trinity College, Cambridge. Dr. Stukeley was a friend as early as 1707 (STUKELEY, Memoirs, i. 33), and from 1717 onwards they were constantly in each other’s society. In 1725 they made an antiquarian tour together. In 1739 Gale’s sister Elizabeth became Dr. Stukeley’s second wife. Sir John Clerk of Pennicuik [q. v.] was another intimate friend and fellow-student. Gale was the first vice-president of the Society of Antiquaries, and was treasurer of the Royal Society. He was a member of the Spalding and Brazennose Societies.

Gale published, with notes of his own, his father’s edition of ‘Antonini Iter Britanniarum,’ London, 1709, and in the preface distinguishes between his own and his father’s contributions. Gough had a copy of the book, with manuscript annotations by Gale and others. Hearne notes (30 May 1709) that the inscriptions ‘are very faultily printed, and that the book is full of errors’ (HEARNE, Coll., Oxf. Hist. Soc., ii. 203). In 1697 Gale translated for anonymous publications, from the French of F. Jobert, ‘The Knowledge of Medals: of Instructions for those who apply themselves to the study of Medals both Antient and Modern.’ A second edition appeared in 1715. In 1722 he issued by subscription, under the auspices of the Society of Antiquaries, ‘Registrum Honoris de Richmond,’ with valuable appendices. Gale contributed several papers to the ‘Philosophical Transactions,’ one, in 1744, being a letter to Peter Collinson [q. v.] on a fossil skeleton of a man found near Bakewell, Derbyshire. A paper on a Roman altar found at Castle Steeds, Cumberland, is in the ‘Gentleman’s Magazine,’ 1742, p. 135, and another on a Roman inscription at Chichester is in Horsley’s ‘Britannia Romania,’ pp. 332 et seq. The ‘Bibliotheca Topographica Britannica’ for 1781 (ii.) contains, besides many letters to antiquarian friends and papers by his brother Samuel, Gale’s accounts of Northallerton, of Scruton, of the Rollerich Stones, Warwickshire, of the Earls of Richmond, and a tour in Scotland. These papers, entitled ‘Reliquiae Galeanae,’ were edited by George Allan of Darlington, to whom they had been presented by Gale’s grandson. Pennant, William Norris, and other fellows of the Society of Antiquaries took a keen interest in the publication, the expense of which was borne by Nichols (NICHOLS, Lit. Anecd. vi. 126, &c. viii, passim).

Gale married Henrietta, daughter of Henry Roper, esq., of Cowling, Kent. She died in 1720 and by her Gale had one son, Roger Henry. The antiquary died at Scruton on 25 June 1744, aged 72, and was buried there. He had some foreboding of his death, and a fortnight before selected oak planks to be employed in making his grave. He left direction that a flat stone should be placed above the vault containing the coffin, and should be so covered with earth ‘that no one should know where the grave was’ (STUKELEY, ii. 352, 356).

Gale gave many of his manuscripts to Trinity College,

Cambridge, and his collection of coins to the Cambridge University Library, together with a catalogue prepared by himself. The chief papers remaining at Scruton appear in the ‘Reliquiae Galeanae.’ His library was purchased by Osborn the bookseller and dispersed in 1756 and 1758. A portrait by Vanderbanck, painted in 1722, was at Scruton.

[Nichols’s Lit. Anecd. iv. 543-50 (for life), and passim for various references to his intercourse with antiquaries of the time; Hearne’s Collections (Oxf. Hist. Soc.), vols. ii. and iii.; Dr. Stukeley’s Memoirs (Surtees Soc.); Gough’s British Topography; Reliquiae Galeanae in Bibl. Top. Brit. Vol. ii.]

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