1793? - Margaret Wishart was born on 5th December 1793 to James Wishart and Alison Morton in Edinburgh – she married John Aitken Sr. they had ten children including John Aitken Jr. who married Elizabeth Dodds. (whereas a Margaret Wishart married John Aitken this may not be the correct Margaret Wishart – see attached d/c which indicates a 5 year old child in 1855. I will look into other possibilities of a Margaret Wishart born aro 1805
1793- 1807 – John Aitken Sr was born
1827 aro – John Aitken Jr. was born (see John Aitken Sr. d/c)
1832 - Elizabeth Dodds was born to George Dodds –wine merchant and Margaret Dods nee Smith in Edinburgh December 17th 1832.
1850 - Elizabeth Dodds of Tron Church Parish married John Aitken
(Jr.) on October 13th 1850 in Edinburgh. At the time of marriage he was a painter, residing at 104 High Street, Tron Church Parish. She died in 1884.
John Aitken was son of John Aitken and Margaret Aitken nee Wishart
*Tron Kirk – is just of the High Street (the Royal Mile).
1855 – John Aitken (Sr.) aged 48 years* old dies. He is listed as Temperance Hotel Keeper– son of John Aitken, Tailor and Henrietta Aitken (nee Fraser).
*whereas death entry is typed up and legible –, it is possible that 48 should read 68 because he had a son John Aitken Jr. aged 28 but also had daughter Henrietta aged 5 – which is unlikely unless was married again because Margaret Wishart was born in 1793 (if this is correct Margaret Wishart) -
1859/60 – Charles Joseph McDermott born to Charles Joseph McDermott –landed Proprietor and Lucy McDermott nee Rowland.
1863 – Margaret Wishart Aitken was born on July 21st 1863 at 108 Argyle Street Glasgow to John Aitken – Temperance Hotel Keeper and Elizabeth nee Dodds She died in London in 1942. |